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What It's Really Like Being Pregnant

Updated: Mar 13

Congratulations! You've found out that you're expecting! Or, maybe you and your partner are hoping to have a baby in the near future. Well, I'm here to tell you what being pregnant is really like. The WHOLE TRUTH! From my previous experience.

Disclaimer: (No two pregnancies are alike)

Let me first say that finding out that you're pregnant is the first step to receiving a wonderful gift that will change your life forever. What you need more than anything now is patience to handle all the changes that you as an individual, and as well as your body will go through over the next 40 weeks or rather, 9 months.


Pregnancy is definitely a roller coaster and there is no short list of emotions that you'll feel. From being filled with joy to being completely miserable and everything in between. Although you can never be truly prepared to have a baby its a good idea to buckle up.


The first step you'll need to take is to make sure you have an OB/GYN. Schedule an appointment as soon as you can so that your doctor can confirm the results of your pregnancy test and answer any questions that you may have. Its also important to find out what hospital your OB/GYN is affiliated with. Most likely, that's where you'll be delivering your baby.

Now, here's the real stuff.

The first two months of pregnancy are almost always the best. You've found out that your carrying a tiny human inside you. Your body is going through changes such as you're menstrual cycle disappearing  (you do not get a menstrual cycle while pregnant) but the changes haven't really affected your daily life as yet. That is, until month three.


Come month three, most women experience morning sickness, nausea and even constipation. Sometimes, all three at the same time (that was me). This part of the pregnancy can become really challenging for women. But, hang in there this is only the beginning of what's to come.


Month seven is where it got really tricky for me. I can recall waddling around, feeling very lethargic and being unable to do the everyday things I use to do. Such as bending down, doing laundry, washing dishes etc.


This was very hard. As you know, most women are very good at multi tasking. Yet, I found myself unable to complete the simplest of tasks. Moreover, gaining between 25 pounds and 40 pounds can really take a toll on your body especially your back.  This is where a good support system and a good quality maternity pillow comes in handy.


Over the next three months, your baby will kick like he's taking karate. Especially at night. Sleeping will become an absolute nightmare (it becomes nearly impossible to get into a comfy position), you'll develop a love hate relationship with your OB/GYN and you'll just want the baby OUT!!!!!!


As I stated in the beginning, being pregnant is the first step to receiving a wonderful gift. God knew what He was doing when He gave this incredible task to a woman. He knew that we were both strong and courageous. But trust me it is no easy feat.


The light at the end of the tunnel, is when your finally ready to give birth and meet your precious little one. You'll hear your baby cry for the very first time and realize, just how real God is.


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